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The following priorities apply to all students - continuing, new, and transfer students. Each priority slot starts at 12:00 am. The dates given are approximations based on prior years. The general start date for each priority may vary depending on holidays and other breaks in the academic schedule, e.g. Spring break. The specific dates will be listed in Canvas each semester.
The priority groups are as follows:
For Fall Semester:
For Spring Semester:
For Summer Semester:
Concurrent Enrollment and On-Campus High School Students
If you have Snow College earned hours, you can register with your priority if you have seen a Snow College advisor and been re-admitted. All high school students MUST be re-admitted each semester prior to registration by the Admissions Office. Call Admissions at 283.7144. Advising is required before students can register. Contact the Advisement Office at 283.7313 for an appointment.
You should be advised before you register. For an appointment for in-person advising, contact the Student Success Office at 435.283.7313. We strongly encourage fact-to-face advising! During your advising appointment, an advisor will help you select a class schedule that is appropriate to your major, interests, and goals.
For online advising, go to, then go to "Cranium Cafe."
If you choose this option, you will: 1) read the advising information online, 2) communicate with an advisor via email, and 3) register for classes over the internet.
A student wishing to challenge his or her academic record must do so within twelve (12) months from the time record was established.
Snow College complies with both the letter and intent of the Americans With Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as applied to the college setting. Some laws and provisions of laws that assist students with disabilities in high schools do not apply to the students with disabilities at Snow College. Please read the following information carefully:
Snow College will provide reasonable accommodations, academic adjustments, or auxiliary aids to qualified students with medical, psychological, learning or other disabilities who voluntarily disclose to the Disability Resource Coordinator (DRC), 435.283.7321 that they have a disability, provide documentation of the disability, request an accommodation and meet the criteria for receipt of the accommodations.
Consistent with Federal law, Snow College does not provide individualized academic content support such as tutoring or prompters. Snow College does not provide personal services such as aides or living assistants. Snow College is located in rural central Utah. Students who require specialized physical or psychiatric treatment will need to check treatment availability and consider the distance to services from Ephraim.
For more information, visit Snow College's ADA website at
Snow College has a strong commitment to the well-being of its faculty, staff, and students. Snow College's policy supports a drug-free environment.
Snow College will enforce its policies relating to drugs and alcohol. If a person possesses and/or consumes alcohol or drugs on campus, the person will be arrested and administrative action will be taken. If a person consumes alcohol or drugs off-campus, then comes on campus under the influence of these substances, regardless of the level of intoxication, the person will be subject to arrest as well as College administrative action. On campus includes the campus housing units, sporting and social events locations.
For information regarding obtaining a BadgerID card, click here.